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Have fun
From answers a, b or c choose one correct option.
1) According to Bloomfield :
a) Sentence is an independent linguistic form that is included in a larger linguistic form
b) Sentence is an independent linguistic form that is not included in a larger linguistic form
c) Sentence is a larger linguistic form that includes large linguistic signs that form one complete whole
2) Bloomfield ignores:
a) Semantics and meaning
b) Only meaning
c) Only semantics
3) The modern conception of Functional Sentence Perspective goes back to:
a) the Prague Linguistic Circle
b) the New York Linguistic Circle
c) the Liverpool Linguistic Circle
4) In the functional analysis of the sentence :
a) Theme represents core of the sentence
b) Rheme represents sort of a link to context
c) Answers a) and b) are wrong
5) According to structural complexity we distinguish:
a) Simple sentences- not independent ,one clause
b) Simple sentences- independent, one clause
c) Multiple sentences- at least two subordinate clauses
6) What does it mean that a verb is intransitive?
a) Can`t exist without an abject
b) Can exist without an object
c) Both answers are wrong
7) According to Darbyshire`s classification of sentences:
a) We have got 5 functions of single sentences
b) We have got 5 types of single sentences
c) Darbyshire didn`t focus on classification of sentences
8) Nominal clause is:
a) A subordinate clause that functions as a verb phrase
b) A subordinate clause that functions as a noun phrase.
c) A subordinate clause that functions as a prepositional phrase.
9) Adjectival clause is:
a) Also called relative clause
b) A dependent clause that functions as an adjective within a sentence
c) Both answers are correct
10) Adverbial clause:
a) Is an independent clause that functions as an adverb
b) Is a dependent clause that functions as an adverb
c) Both answers are wrong
11) Which sentence is true?
a) Head is the central element of the phrase around which all elements are organized
b) Head is the central element of the phrase , that must occur with both mogifier and qualifier
c) Both sentences are true
12) Phrase must contain of:
a) A sequence of minimum 2 words that contain a finite verb
b) A sequence of minimum two words that doesn’t contain a finite verb
c) A sequence of maximum two words that doesn’t contain a finite verb
13) Qualifier is:
a) A type of modifier that follows a head
b) A type of modifier that plays a role of a head
c) A type of modifier that follow the main modifier
14) Endocentric construction consists of
a) Two elements, where one is a head and one is a modifier
b) Two elements, where one is a head and one is a qualifier
c) Two elements, where one is a modifier and one is a qualifier
15) Deep structure of a sentence is:
a) The meaning of the sentence
b) The form of the sentence
c) A structure which has minimum one finite verb
16) A great example of one element sentences is:
a) Wczoraj padało
b) Nonsense
c) Both answers are correct
17) A great example of verbless sentence is:
a) He is a soldier.
b) The bell, sir.
c) Both answers are wrong.
18) A great example of apposition is:
a) My friend Alice
b) My friend`s name is Alice
c) Alice is my friend
19) A great example of explanatory apposition is:
a) My wife, a nurse by training, is very patient.
b) My wife is a nurse by training and she is very patient.
c) My wife isn’t a nurse by training,she is very patient.
20) Enumerative apposition is used in:
a) Carol, David, Tom are my best friends.
b) Carol and David are my best friends plus Tom.
c) Carol and David and Tom are my best friends.
21) Classificatory apposition is used in:
a) I saw him yesterday, poor boy.
b) I saw a poor boy yesterday.
c) Yesterday I saw him as a poor boy.
22) Appositional attribute is used in:
a) He doesn`t like meeting with people at the age of 10.
b) He doesn’t like me, I think.
c) He doesn’t like me and my friends.
Ostatnio edytowany przez labriko (2012-06-11 16:25:00)
23) A great set of examples of different types of absolute constructions is:
a) The war over, he returned home
The war is over so he returned home.
b) The war over, he returned home.
The war being finished, he decided to return home
c) The war was finished so he decided to return home.
The war was finished he decided to return home.
24) A perfect example of general subject is:
a) one never knows
b) It is snowing
c) I feel good
25) `To build a house` , `to say sth` are great examples of
a) Temporary object
b) Effected object
c) Affected object
26) True is that :
a) Complement is obligatory qualifier and adjunct is optional qualifier
b) Complement is obligatory modifier and adjunct is optional modifier.
c) Complement is optional modifier and adjunct is obligatory modifier.
27) I think that syntax is
a) Difficult
b) Stupid
c) Both answers are correct
Trochę nie do końca są ok. Drugie pytanie jest źle sformułowane, ponieważ semantics deals with meaning, tak więc on ignoruje meaning = ignoruje semantics. Poza tym to z moją widzą doszłam do 8 i fajny ten test, ale wydaje mi się, że o wiele za prosty, patrząc na to, że pytania na ostatnim były sformułowane innym językiem niż ten, którym operował na wykładach, chyba tylko 2 były "jasne i przejrzyste".
Thx anyway:)
odpowiedzi do pierwszej części :
1) According to Bloomfield :
b) Sentence is an independent linguistic form that is not included in a larger linguistic form
2) Bloomfield ignores:
a) Semantics and meaning <- tutaj można było w zasadzie zaznaczyć 2 odp “only semantics” też jest okej- moja wina , źle zredagowałam pytanie
3) The modern conception of Functional Sentence Perspective goes back to:
a) the Prague Linguistic Circle
4) In the functional analysis of the sentence :
c) Answers a) and b) are wrong
5) According to structural complexity we distinguish:
b) Simple sentences- independent, one clause
6) What does it mean that a verb is intransitive?
a) Can`t exist without an abject
7) According to Darbyshire`s classification of sentences:
b) We have got 5 types of single sentences
8) Nominal clause is:
b) A subordinate clause that functions as a noun phrase.
9) Adjectival clause is:
c) Both answers are correct
10) Adverbial clause:
b) Is a dependent clause that functions as an adverb
11) Which sentence is true?
a) Head is the central element of the phrase around which all elements are organized
12) Phrase must contain of:
b) A sequence of minimum two words that doesn’t contain a finite verb
13) Qualifier is:
a) A type of modifier that follows a head
14) Endocentric construction consists of
a) Two elements, where one is a head and one is a modifier
15) Deep structure of a sentence is:
a) The meaning of the sentence
16) A great example of one element sentences is:
c) Both answers are correct
17) A great example of verbless sentence is:
b) The bell, sir.
18) A great example of apposition is:
a) My friend Alice
19) A great example of explanatory apposition is:
a) My wife, a nurse by training, is very patient.
20) Enumerative apposition is used in:
a) Carol, David, Tom are my best friends.
21) Classificatory apposition is used in:
a) I saw him yesterday, poor boy.
22) Appositional attribute is used in:
a) He doesn`t like meeting with people at the age of 10.
część druga odp
23) A great set of examples of different types of absolute constructions is:
b) The war over, he returned home.
The war being finished, he decided to return home
24) A perfect example of general subject is:
a) one never knows
25) `To build a house` , `to say sth` are great examples of
b) Effected object
26) True is that :
b) Complement is obligatory modifier and adjunct is optional modifier.
27) I think that syntax is
a) Difficult
b) Stupid
c) Both answers are correct
w 13 pytaniu wszystkie odpowiedzi są złe, bo qualifier is the modifier that precedes the head
jak? najpierw jest modifier, potem head a potem qualifier
qualifier jest za head, to jest postmodifier, np a girl in a red dress